Fashion Concept, recruiting agency of actors & actresses in Florence and Rome, has become a new point of reference for film and television production companies that are looking for new faces in the film and entertainment sectors. Fashion Concept discovers shapes and represents aspiring actresses and actors who wish to undertake the fascinating journey into the world of cinema, theatre and show business with the aim of providing all the most innovative and useful tools to promote their image. Since 2017 the agency has opened a new section Cinema in collaboration with "La Bottega della Cinematografia" school directed by the nationally renowned actor Gaetano Gennai, dedicated to training and consolidating new actors. In addition to the new castings dedicated to the section of cinema, television and entertainment, published on our portal, Fashion Concept periodically organizes workshops, film lessons in Rome (Prati district), during which actors and professional directors intervene, which in addition to providing valuable advice to approach the world of cinema, meet new Roman talent.

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